Holland Partner Group’s latest development, Ardence & Bloom, is not a typical luxury apartment building. Located in East Hollywood and centered in a mix of industry, art, and inspiration, Ardence & Bloom offers exceptional living spaces that stimulate the senses and nourish the soul. TurningArt collaborated with the Holland Partner Group to help activate key spaces throughout the development.
From Helen, the Art Advisor
From Stephen MacNeil, the Development Manager
“TurningArt did a beautiful job at transforming our vision of bold and inspired murals into a reality. The roof & pool deck murals enhance the respective spaces by integrating not only the unique LA aesthetic into the building but also nicely complementing the architectural and interior designs within the building. They are both great additions to the property. Additionally, the internal courtyard felt like the perfect place for a large-scale mural as it is a central gathering point for the building’s community. We settled on a mural that feels organic and blends into the foliage below while rising beyond the third and fourth floors. The space feels so much more complete with this large-scale work of art and further encourages tenants to gather, unplug, and unwind from the grind of daily life.”