In Studio: Amber Vittoria
Abstract artist Amber Vittoria creates vivid, expressive works that explore themes of emotion, identity, and resilience. Rooted in her deep connection...
Read profileThere’s a lot of talk out there about how office design can motivate employees and improve their productivity. As a result, companies are investing mo...
Read moreIntroduction to Art Consulting Firms What They Do Art consulting firms serve as vital bridges between the art market and buyers. Their expertise lies ...
Read moreThe use of art in healthcare settings is for more than just decoration. It has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety, improve mood, and even promote...
Read moreAs innovation drives the world forward, it’s crucial to ensure that your office keeps pace with the evolving needs of your employees. One critical asp...
Read moreArt shapes the way students experience and engage with their learning environments - especially in higher education. The aesthetic choices made in edu...
Read moreWhether your company is faced with office relocation, remodeling, or moving, creating a welcoming work environment is instrumental in establishing you...
Read moreWhen redesigning an office, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. There are countless websites and blogs devoted to showcasing impressive office designs. But ...
Read moreThere’s a lot of talk out there about how office design can motivate employees and improve their productivity. As a result, companies are investing mo...
Read moreThere are tons of ideas flying around about what makes workers productive. Is it what we eat, how we organize our workspaces, or is it more about wher...
Read moreWith our mobile workforce estimated to reach 1.3 billion globally in 2015, the 9 to 5 workday is poised to join floppy disks and cubicle farms as a re...
Read moreYou’ve probably heard hiring managers, startup founders, and office managers talk about company culture. Maybe you’ve talked about it yourself. As com...
Read moreRecruiting is a forefront concern for companies of any size, and building a well-tuned recruitment strategy is now more essential than ever. In Linked...
Read moreThoughtful design is everywhere - in the products we use, the offices where we work, and of course, the places we call home. At my company, we focus o...
Read moreAs defined by BOMA, commercial building classifications indicate “the competitive ability of each building to attract similar types of tenants” by tak...
Read moreGet Art For Your Business For Free!!! If your office needs artwork, there’s no doubt that headline grabbed your attention, and understandably so. Your...
Read moreWe recently caught wind of a big expansion in Facebook’s new Cambridge, Massachusetts, office. At TurningArt, we’ve always had a lot of respect for th...
Read moreAbstract artist Amber Vittoria creates vivid, expressive works that explore themes of emotion, identity, and resilience. Rooted in her deep connection...
Read profileFenway Capital sought to transform their space into a modern and dynamic reflection of Texas, moving beyond traditional representations to something f...
Read profileTalk to an Art Advisor today to find out which service model makes the most sense for your given your project scope.
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